Do you want more convenience and safety in your own home? Would you like to use energy more efficiently , reduce your energy costs and help protect the environment? Professional smart home technology can help you achieve all these ambitions. To make your home smart, you don't need to be a technology expert.

JUNG HOME – the digital infrastructure for your home.

With JUNG HOME we have developed a simple and inexpensive system with which you can smartify your home. It is based on the conventional 230-volt installation. In this way, your building also fulfills the requirements for digital infrastructure.

JUNG HOME at a glance.

Light, shade, temperature: as its core, JUNG HOME consists of system inserts, covers and sockets. Locally newtworked using Bluetooth mesh.

The smart sockets: switch devices energy-efficiently

Smart JUNG HOME SCHUKO® sockets

With the JUNG HOME SCHUKO® sockets, you reduce your energy consumption and gain in comfort and safety at the same time. They are switchable via the JUNG HOME push-buttons, the app or on the socket itself. Devices in stand-by mode can be switched off without complication in this way.

JUNG HOME SCHUKO® socket Energy

This smart version of the JUNG HOME SCHUKO® socket measures the electricity consumption and in this way enables targeted energy management. You can view the energy consumption data clearly displayed in the app.

The smart push-button: control and dim lighting

JUNG HOME push-buttons

Light, shade, temperature: in the JUNG HOME, you can control all functions with smart push-buttons. The push-buttons are available in the JUNG A, CD, LS design ranges, and in LS 990 also in the Les Couleurs® Le Corbusier colours, and integrate harmoniously into every interior.

Jung HOME push-button with battery power

You can place these smart push-buttons independently of the 230-volt-installation. They are used in positions where no cables are present or can be laid, but where you need a push-button.

Control temperature

With push-button, app or voice control: with JUNG HOME, you control the temperature in your home how you want it. Always matched to your needs and energy efficient - smart in fact.

The JUNG HOME temperature control at a glance:
- enables the control of the temperature using voice control, app and JUNG HOME push-buttons
- can be integrated in scenes. In this way, you can, for example, put the heating into ECO mode with a push-button at the front door and switch off the lights in all rooms when you leave the home.
- fast access to all room thermostats using the app


Overview and monitoring: using the JUNG HOME app, users decide on the temperature in their smart home. Thanks to Bluetooth Mesh, the app enables control of the temperature in the whole building and, with the help of the gateway, even remotely.

JUNG HOME room thermostat display

It detects a fall in temperature and switches the heating to frost protection mode. You can also link the temperature control with other functions in a scene.

Smart switching with motion

Light only when needed, pleasant temperatures only when present: JUNG HOME is energy-efficient and thus movement and presence detectors have to be used.

They have a particularly large detection range: the motion detector registers in 180 degrees, the presence detector detects movement within 360 degrees. After an individually configurable shut-off delay with no more motion detection, both JUNG HOME devices switch off the connected electrical loads. This saves energy, because light and heating are switched on during presence, but still provides more comfort.

JUNG HOME motion detector 1.10 m

The JUNG HOME motion detector is ideal for installation in hallways. Two PIR sensors monitor the detection range of 180 degrees. They can be used individually or together.

JUNG HOME motion detector 2.20 m

The version for mounting at 2.20 metres height is suitable for common areas or offices. You can conveniently make all settings using the JUNG HOME app.

JUNG HOME presence detector

The smart presence detector on the ceiling reliably detects movements within a 360-degree detection range in a radius of up to 20 metres. The three PIR sensors of the JUNG HOME presence detector can be configured and activated independently of each other.

The JUNG HOME switch actuator with binary inputs.

This little actuator offers even more options. For example, conventional weather sensors can be used as a wind alarm and for rain detection using the two binary inputs.

The switching output and the two binary inputs can be operated independently of each other. In this way, the binary inputs control a blinds actuator wirelessly, for example, and the switching output is used to control a ceiling light.

• independent operation of switching output and binary inputs
• binary inputs communicate wirelessly, for example, with a blinds actuator and the switching output controls a ceiling light
• switchable loads up to 16 ampere
• operable using smart push-buttons or the JUNG HOME app
• large range of functions with 16 timer programs, shut-off delay, switch-on and switch-off delay, scenes and disabling functions*

At the heart: the JUNG HOME app

This little actuator offers even more options. For example, conventional weather sensors can be used as a wind alarm and for rain detection using the two binary inputs.

The JUNG HOME app offers you direct access to all devices. Completely without the internet, WLAN router or server. Everything is very easy as the menu navigation is clear and intuitive. The expert installs and configures the system in accordance with your vision. You can extend and change it with the JUNG HOME app at any time. Cloud services such as Amazon Alexa and Google Home can also be connected with the app as wanted. The JUNG HOME gateway is necessary for this.

Your advantages with the JUNG HOME app at a glance:

• commissioning, configuration and operation of all JUNG HOME devices
• simple linking of transmitters and receivers
• simple set-up of scenes, e.g. everything ON
• update of all JUNG HOME devices when there are new releases and functions
• fully encrypted, wireless Bluetooth Mesh communication

Quick access to favourites

Dimming lighting precisely

Selectively set blinds

Control the temperature manually

Hello IoT-world!

With the JUNG HOME gateway, you connect the system with the Internet. In this way, you can integrate many functions and services from different providers into your networked home.

Still so much more is possible

The integration of JUNG HOME in the Internet of Things opens up many possibilities to you for networking. You integrate numerous products and solutions from different suppliers into your smart home with the gateway. It is possible in this way to control the numerous different devices with a press of a button without having to frequently reach for the smartphone. The link is achieved in a few steps in the JUNG HOME app.

Your advantages with the JUNG HOME gateway at a glance:

• connects JUNG HOME devices with my JUNG Cloud (Alexa, Google Home) using Bluetooth Mesh
• enables the mediola® gateway access to JUNG HOME devices in the local network
• fully encrypted wireless communication and mesh repeater function
• The gateway has been awarded the "Smart Home - Information Security Tested" certificate by the VDE Institute.

Voice control

Your home obeys every word: the JUNG HOME gateway enables voice control of all JUNG HOME devices along with connected smart solutions from other manufacturers. Using the Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant apps, you can also operate JUNG HOME with remote access.

mediola® integration

The integration of JUNG HOME into the manufacturer network WORKS WITH mediola® opens up numerous possibilities for you to network with products from the IoT world – and everything operable with the JUNG HOME push-buttons.

Samsung SmartThings

Using the JUNG HOME gateway, you can also link your JUNG HOME with Samsung SmartThings. This involves an app from Samsung that enables smart-home elements to be controlled by smartphone, smart watch or voice. These include intelligent lamps, thermostats and sockets.

JUNG HOME in virtual reality

Securely networked in the switch design

JUNG HOME devices are networked using Bluetooth® SIG mesh. Due to the automatic encryption, the worldwide standard makes the wireless data transmission particularly secure.

Bluetooth Mesh technology makes setting up of a decentralized, wireless network possible

JUNG HOME devices are both transmitters and receivers at the same time. They communicate with each other using a high level of encryption (AES-128). Commands transmitted move over the mesh network from device to device until they reach their target. This allows communication that goes significantly beyond the direct wireless range. Bluetooth mesh works completely without the Internet or a server. The data remain in-house.

JUNG HOME is scalable

Function for function. Room for room. Floor for floor: in this way, small to large applications can be implemented. Even the configuration does not need Internet access. Every device is taught-in with a smartphone and the JUNG HOME app and configured. Once the system has been set up, you can simply transfer the project to family members.